Saturday, August 9, 2008

Gun Safety

Just to preface this audio clip. Sometimes, when Stan and I chat, I record. I never know the interesting things he will bring up, or the stories he will tell. I found this when I was going thru some past recordings.

The back story is that Stan loves to play with airsoft guns (basically glorified BB guns, that shoot plastic BB's). Oftentimes, we take him and his friends up to the mountains to shoot each other (eye protection is always required). It just so happened that one night they were around the neighborhood, and a driver called the police department saying there were boys running around with guns. They sent over Sgt. Jill Otaviano, to give the boys a lecture and give 'em a wee scare. Not only is she a police officer, she is also a board member for the non-profit organization that I work for. That's the thing about's a city of 70,000, but most people seem to cross paths, eventually. At the time, she didn't know she was talking to my son, but I contacted her later, to thank her and to let her know that Stan took what she said to heart. With that being goes nothing...there are things I find so funny about our interaction here...

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